week was chock full-o’-news: We saw the JFK anniversary, the end of the easy Filibuster
by Republicans, and a temporary deal with Iran. This week, many Americans will
have a ceremonial turkey dinner and a trip to the mall to begin their efforts to
boost the economy. Well, except for Walmart workers, who need financial support
in order to make it through the holidays.
The author Phillip Dick said in “The Man in the High Castle”:
travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after
day, declining in morale and hope.”
Walmart helps with the declining hope:
Aren’t you glad the Pilgrims didn’t need visas to land here?
A week to celebrate the eternal flames of each party:
The reasons behind using the Nuclear Option:
Harry Reid pisses off the elephant:
Remembering the day the Music Died: