How to Fix The Best Government Money Can Buy

What’s Wrong Today:

In his last post, the Wrongologist said he
would offer solutions to the “Best
Government Money Can Buy”
problem described over the last two posts. We
will do that today, but first, Lee Fang at Republic Report published a story
of wretched excess in corporatism
that you have to read to believe:

In 2011, after Republicans took the
majority in the House of Representatives, the House Armed Services Committee,
which oversees the military, gained a new chairman, Rep Buck McKeon(R-CA). As with
most leadership changes, McKeon and his committee hired new professional staff.

MacKenzie, a vice president at Northrop Grumman, was hired to work for the
committee beginning in March, 2011.

But darn the luck, in order to do move to
the Hill, you’re going to have to take a serious pay cut. Hard to do the people’s
business without a big pay cut.

How do you keep your standard of living while working for the public good? How
about a two-year bonus from your ex-employer — say, $250,000 per year — to tide
you over? (Remember, two years is a congressman’s term of office.) Would a half
million dollars keep your mind on your once-and-future job?

So, What’s Wrong?

As a congressional staffer, MacKenzie now
makes about $120,000 a year, taking a
$400k pay cut to work for us. However, not to worry: in MacKenzie’s case,
Northrop Grumman made sure he had extra cash before he went to work writing
policy on the defense budget. They paid MacKenzie a $498,334 bonus in 2011, just before he went to work under McKeon
as a committee staffer.

Follow the bread crumbs: Representative McKeon, by far the biggest recipient of Northrop
Grumman campaign contributions in Congress. He has defended billions of
dollars in projects for MacKenzie’s former employer.

McKeon fought
to prevent the retirement of the Northrop’s RQ-4 Global Hawk, a drone the
Pentagon said it could save $2.5 billion by cutting. He’s
pressed to secure funding for a range of different aircraft developed by
Northrop Grumman, from a new nuclear-capable long-range bomber to the F-35, which
is slated to be the most expensive weapon ever developed. Earlier this year,
McKeon visited a Northrop plant and rallied employees to help him stave off
nearly $500 billion in sequestration
cuts to the defense budget as part of the deficit-reduction deal.

Luckily for Northrop Grumman, which made $2.12 billion in profits last
year, the firm now has a man on the inside of Congress with wide sway over how
the government spends money on national defense.

If you have no conscience about how you earn
your keep (since you are clearly kept) you can say: “I’ll watch out for
you, Boss”.

is simply today’s example of the corporatism at work.

So, What’s to be

We have to act now to avoid the disintegration of our great
republic into a corporatist
haven controlled by
bankers, mega-corporations and the
mega rich. We have to reform both our political
process and key elements of our economic system.

break the unholy alliance between bankers, corporate interests and politicians,
let’s start by trying these:

Political Process

  • Scrap the current election process. Replace it with publicly
    financed elections. No money from
    corporations, unions, or individuals would be allowed
    . A fixed amount
    of TV time would be free to candidates, financed by taxpayers. The domination
    by money in our political process must be broken.
  • Establish term limits of 12 years for both Congressmen and Senators.
    Serving in Congress has a learning curve, but it can’t be a career. The purpose
    of Congress is to represent the existing generations of citizens and ensure
    that future generations have a better country than the one we occupy.
  • Since
    politicians cannot be trusted to exhibit courage or intelligence when it comes
    to public policy, an independent lobbying
    oversight mechanism must be established
    to ensure that the pernicious
    impact of corporate dollars do not have a backdoor way to in effect, bribe our
  • Despite
    the Roberts Court opinion in Citizens
    corporations are not people. Extreme wealth does not give
    someone the right to buy elections. Rich oligarchs operating in the shadows and
    spending billions on negative advertising is not how a republic should elect
    their representatives. Money from
    special interest corporations and PACs
    must be eliminated from the political process.
  • Put every proposed bill in Congress

    The constituents of every Representative and Senator would be allowed to voice
    their opinion in a poll by district, online. We would then have an idea of who
    does or does not vote their conscience. We have the technical ability to
    provide secure logons for citizens.
  • A suggested funding mechanism must
    accompany each bill
    proposed by a Congress critter. Include a vote on the funding in the online
  • Commit no American troops to “war” in a foreign country without a vote of
    Congress as required by the U.S. Constitution

Economic System
Reinstitute the Glass-Stegall
The Wrongologist
worked under it successfully, so must the current crop of bankers, since Wall
Street cannot manage risk properly. This
would separate commercial banking activities from the risks of “House Money” gambling
that brought the economic system to its knees in 2008. Privatizing the profits
and socializing the losses must be forever unacceptable.

  • The economic system must be purged of
    zombie bad debt.

    The Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) must make all banks and financial services corporations mark their assets
    to market (true market value) on a quarterly basis. This would reveal
    many Wall Street banks to be very short of capital, with some being technically
    insolvent. Bondholders and stockholders should be forced to realize their
    losses on bad investment decisions.
  • Downsize the US Military budget from $1
    trillion to $500 billion annually.
     Withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Iraq,
    Germany, Japan and other bases throughout the world. Policing the world will
    bankrupt us. Reinvest a portion of the savings in education and infrastructure.
  • Eliminate all corporate and farm subsidies. While we are at it, federal health
    benefits and pension benefits would be set at usual and customary private
    industry levels.
  • Overhaul Social Security. Increase the age for collecting
    Social Security to 70 over the next 15 years. Eliminate the wage cap for the Social
    Security tax. 
  • The Medicare system is unsustainable. Health care costs for the elderly
    must be controlled by any means necessary. This should not include denying
    coverage, so we need to mandate deep cuts in the costs of health care delivery.
    Make insurance companies compete for business in all states. Double (or more if
    necessary) the budget that The GAO has to audit Medicare fraud & Medicaid
    fraud and prosecute the criminals.
  • States should force doctors to post
    their costs for services
    Tort reform should be implemented to fix the size of permissible awards against
    individual doctors, but no caps should be in place for hospitals, drug
    companies and other corporate actors.
  • Stabilize the housing market. 
    As part of the FASB suggestion above, the FED and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
    should force banks to reduce the mortgage balances of underwater homeowners in
    exchange for an equity interest in any property appreciation. The homeowner
    would have to pay off the mortgage and the equity gain out of any future sale
    of the home. The homeowner would be prohibited from taking out any home equity
    loans or executing any “cash out” refinancing until the equity interest claim was

Spread the
word. Grab your pitchforks and torches, it’s gonna be a long night
