Trillion Dollar Coin

Wrong Today

Krugman says
minting a trillion dollar coin is preferable to negotiating with Mitch
McConnell and John Boehner on increasing the National Debt Limit.

He suggests
putting an image of Mr. Boehner on the coin.

Wrongologist does not agree with any of this, but large coins have had success
in the past. Consider Batman and the Giant Penny:

Giant Penny was in the background of the Bat Cave in Batman: The Animated Series. It was
once used by the Batman’s enemy, Two-Face. Two-Face and the “Two-Ton
Gang” captured Batman and tied him to the Giant Penny. The Penny rested on
an over-sized coin-flipping machine. Two-Face boasted that was a “heads I win,
tails you lose” situation: If the coin landed on the side Batman was tied to,
then he would be crushed, but if it landed on its clean side, the impact would
break every bone in Batman’s body. Two-Face activated the flipping device and
the Penny sailed through the air. But, the Batman had managed to pilfer
Two-Face’s lucky coin and used its jagged edges to cut through his ropes.

Giant Penny landed on two of the villain’s henchmen.

THIS is Mr. Obama’s big idea for his 2nd term: Crushing his
