was a stressful week. The Boston Marathon, West, Texas and the manhunt on Friday. Background checks for gun sales were defeated in the Senate despite a majority of
Senators voting in favor of them. Immigration reform started on a path through
the House and Senate.
A Meditation
from the Church of Wrongology:
Boston gives us all terror all the time while DC is just another pain in the backside:
The Senate approves of certain background checks:
Is there really a path to citizenship for illegals?
Finally, more from Public Shaming: Apparently
the Internet is filled with angry idiots who think North Korea is behind everything including the Boston Marathon
bombing. (Damn you, Homeland Security, you couldnât catch that guy on the
secret plane from North Korea?)
OK, that was sad, not funny.

you can’t make this stuff up (and i am referring to the comment, “fucking chinks”)