of July Quotes:
liberty dwells, there is my country.
— Benjamin Franklin
All we have of
freedom, all we use or know –
This our fathers bought for us long and long ago.
–Rudyard Kipling
is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate
balance between freedom “to” and freedom “from”.
vos Savant
Independence Day Party Animals:
You need the NSA when terrorists are everywhere:
Egyptian Army Launches New Government:
The Wrongologist
mentioned anti-Sharia laws in North Carolina here.
Last week, North Carolina’s GOP-controlled senate introduced an anti-Sharia law
bill. Their concern was that Sharia could trump our laws and maybe threaten our
constitution. Sharia, they feared, could blur the lines between church and
state…Women would be subjugated. And then, the state senate amended the bill
to restrict access to legal and
constitutionally-protected abortion. Why do that? Because of their
religious convictions:
Multiple Choice Test:
Enjoyed the one about moral decline.