Sunday Cartoon Blogging – August 11, 2013

Gandhi said

Mr. Obama,
Mr. Leno and Mr. Putin:


On the “Tonight
Show” President Obama reminded Jay Leno that Mr. Putin was an officer in
the KGB.   He also said that he has told Putin the cold war is
in the past. Sadly, he only wishes that was true. 

Mr. Obama
punted on a summit that was going nowhere.

George W. Bush said he
looked into Mr. Putin’s eyes and sensed his soul. He seemed to think that he
and Putin were kindred spirits.

If Mr. Obama
looks into Mr. Putin’s eyes, he’s likely to see a thermostat with a
temperature that’s dropping. Putin has boxed Mr. Obama’s famous ears on Iran’s
nukes, the mess in Syria, Snowden, gay rights at the Olympics…..oh, and there’s
the stolen Super Bowl ring.

Congress, tired from doing
nothing, downshifts to relax:

When do these people work?

NSA finally
gets the idea:

Sensing a
threat, our government goes into a shell:

gets a paper route. John Henry, owner of the Red Sox buys The Boston Globe. He paid less than he pays Dustin Pedroia, his Red Sox shortstop.
That’s our market economy at work! 
