Sunday Cartoon Blogging – August 25, 2013

50th anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream” speech, civil
forfeitures, proliferation of militarized police, Manning is sentenced.  Build your own homily from the quote below from
Bertrand de Jouvenel. As you pull it
together, remember that you are speaking to a nation of sheep who think they
are wolves…

On the 50th anniversary of MLK’s speech, not everyone shares his aspiration for better wages and the right of all citizens to vote:

Former Egyptian president Mubarak has been released from prison and placed under house arrest. If he could run in the next presidential election, how many votes would he get?

Does democracy have ANY chance in Egypt?

Why Obamacare rage is driving some in Congress to risk a government shutdown:

Teahadists make their presence felt to establishment Republicans:

Morality and Proportionality ought to let us be a nation that can differentiate between crimes:
