The Wrongologist has managed a few outsourced Federal government projects in his career.
They all involved some level of software integration. It is a bitch getting Federal government departments to talk to each other when
they have to support a technical task, even when they want to be helpful. That
doesn’t absolve anyone involved in the Obamacare roll-out.
Write your homily
using the quote by the Marquess of Halifax on church sign below. It speaks to
the need of any project manager to understand their project end-to-end. Woe
betide the prince or princess (that means you Ms. Sebelius), who fails to understand
that difficult task:
The outsourcer-in-chief gets rolled:
Obamacare roll-out is a fiasco. The call for heads to roll has commenced. The I-told-you-so’s
are on parade. The GOP is trying to avoid being seen as rooting for failure
but, they are rooting for failure.
Didn’t they just shut down the government trying to force the ACA’s failure?
However, Republicans
are in a tactical bind. They are thrilled that the website trouble is slowing
the program down, but they have to act concerned that the website isn’t
working. That gives them the opportunity to reinforce their ongoing message
that government is inept, that it can’t do what the private sector does
successfully on the web every day. Yet, they know very little about the real issues.
Andy Borowitz said it all in his Borowitz Report about the hearings
this week:
several hours pretending to understand the Internet
Republicans shaking their jowls at testimony about “end-to-end testing”, and
“enterprise identity management”, act like the website roll-out confirmed their fears,
but their fear is not about whether the website has glitches. Their fear is
that it could work and that people who had no healthcare will get healthcare
and like it. Then the country would be stuck with another popular program that they
and their Tea Party confederates insist the government should not be operating.
Will the GOP now help work out the website problems? No, their job is to amplify them while creating new problems as the
opportunity presents.
talking points:
House vs. Mouse
Darth Cheney’s health care is better than yours:
If government wants software that works, call the NSA:

thought i would like to my post re the ACA
@ Terry: If you want to link your post here, fine. If you want to link this to your post, that’s also fine!