Thursday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the conservative pastors gathered at the
Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall conference:
Democrats are going to be voting on a constitutional amendment to repeal the
First Amendment
was met with an audible (and understandable) gasp. He earned more gasps when he
warned that this amendment would suppress the political speech rights of the
“citizenry” and “muzzle” pastors in their pulpits.
would be huge news if true, but Ace Detective Ted was embroidering. He was talking
about the coming vote by Senate leadership on a constitutional amendment that
would overturn
Citizens United and the
related McCutcheon case, which,
taken together, have steadily eliminated the limits on election spending by
corporations and wealthy individuals. Cruz was talking about the possibility of
losing his corporate money. Whenever a tea-party type talks about the Constitution,
it’s always about the money. Even when it’s about guns, it’s about the money.
this week, Doyle McManus of the LA Times quoted
Grover Nordquist:
people ask where did the tea party go, the answer is: It went to Congress…The
Republican Party has largely absorbed the message of the tea party movement
Tea Party now drives the Republican limo:
The real question is, who co-opted who?
Many Republicans aspire to drive the crazy train, but none can touch Pat Sajak. Yes he’s THAT Pat Sajak:
Tea Party wants Obama to violate the 22nd Amendment:
And in other depressingly same old, same old, news this week, this week’s vote by Congress doesn’t really put the NSA on a short leash:
The Two Faces of Uncle Sam:

Still don’t know what to think about Snowden. Whistle blower or self important pain in the ass. But what was revealed was worth learning, however the means.