“You may not be
interested in war, but war is interested in you.” – Leon Trotsky
The truth in
the quote attributed to Trotsky is the fact that more than 14,500 armed
conflicts are recorded in history. They have killed at least 3.5 billion
And thus, Iraq
returns, VERY interested in America.
It arrives hot
on the heels of Ukraine, Syria, Libya, The Central African Republic and a dozen
other places.
Mr. Obama seems unable to articulate
what our strategy in Iraq should be. Since nature doesn’t tolerate a vacuum, up
steps the “Iraq Pack” as Steven Colbert calls them:
He means politicos John Bolton, John McCain, George W. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney, who were so very wrong about the Iraq War, but now feel compelled to again tell us what to do.
Salon reports that Colbert declared war on Mr. Cheney’s testicles:
We have got satellite images of this man’s nuts, and he is definitely hiding something down there…now for national security reasons, I cannot show them to you
Republicans knee jerk reaction to Obama:
The GOP’s reactions are influenced by facts on the ground:
Iran could be “frenemies” with us in the Iraqi conflict:
And in other news, Dan Snyder has issues with the Redskins trademark:
Kevin McCarthy finds the swamp wasn’t drained by Eric Cantor:

while I recognize the Obama is dithering, my suspicions are that he recognizes the futility of action, coupled with the knowledge that admitting that we really don’t know what to do will only yield howls from the opposition.