Here at Casa Wrong, we see the end of summer coming. It’s a sad time most years, but not now. Today, August HAS TO DIE! Here’s why:
• Foley was beheaded
• Instead of “back to school”, this August it is “back to Iraq”
• Russia invades Ukraine, says it’s for humanitarian reasons
• The Ebola epidemic continues to grow
• The reason why a teen in Ferguson is dead remains unresolved
• Hamas and Israel seem willing to fight to the death
• We still don’t know who shot down the MH17 over Ukraine
• Mitch McConnell says he’s willing to shut down the government again
August brought home that every pillar that has supported international order is tottering, if not yet collapsing. That means the UN, NATO and a strong, unified America. The “what’s wrong” list could be much longer, but what would be the point? August must die. On to humor.
ISIS or IS or ISIL, it’s a cancer:
James Foley is the most recent in a long line:
And in Ferguson news, don’t shoot is everyone’s mantra:
In domestic warfare policing, mindset should be first, not last:
Mayor Daley, 1968: “The police are here to preserve disorder”:
Don’t you feel safer knowing she’s off the streets?
You can read about this 90 year old Ferguson demonstrator here

George Bush proved that a full-scale land war will not improve the complex tribal relations within a middle eastern nation. Obama proved that a smaller effort, limited to air strikes also will not work.
Let’s try just sitting back and letting history play out. The risk to the US is limited here. Yes, foreign fighters with EU and US passports may enter the US armed with their military experience, but what will they do? Their chief threat is bombing, whether by suicide or by using a remote device. But the US is a much harder target for terrorists than it was in September of 2001 when most office buildings had slim security and when men with box cutters could board airplanes.