It seems that we have nearly reached peak moron, but since WWIII ain’t gonna start itself, Mr. Putin and the guys at ISIS are trying to do what they can to move us in that direction:
NATO is happy to get back to an enemy it understands:
Putin wants peace with Ukraine, now that he owns about 1/3 of the country:
Turning to domestic news, on Monday, the Senate will vote on a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. The Democracy for All amendment, Senate Joint Resolution 19, allows governments to distinguish between people and corporations. It won’t pass in the House, so the Koch Brothers will be free to continue marching the Country toward Fascism.
The public finally got behind the issue of personal privacy when nude celebrity photos were hacked from the cloud:
And the fight we really want to win goes on:
Finally, RIP Joan Rivers:

Still can’t get over how the media seems oblivious to what seems obvious re ISIS. We are being goaded. To the extent that we get involved, we only will unite folks to see us as the Crusader. This was true in the era of T E Lawrence and remains true today. By the way, when Islam was on the march, Europeans put aside their differences whenever Muslim forces approached European borders.