Post-Thanksgiving Digestif

It is a tradition on Thanksgiving at the Mansion of Wrong to play “Alice’s Restaurant” by Arlo Guthrie. It was on November 28, 1965 in Stockbridge, MA that Arlo was convicted of littering:

Sample lyric:

27 8×10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us.


Here are your post-Thanksgiving links:

Buzzfeed asked Brits to fill in a map of the US. Here is good one:
COW The states by a brit

Imagine trying to do that for the map of the UK.

Check out this Silicon Valley job title generator: The Wrongologist got ”Shareability Disruptor

America can’t take any more bullshit: The Onion captures our current angst.

Milk is the new Coke: Why, yes, we are happy to pay twice as much for milk! If there’s one company you can trust to produce milk that is lower in sugar and higher in good things for you, it’s Coca-Cola.

It’s a doggy dog world:

Dog head-turning shows they do understand what you say. Naturally. How else could they play poker?

Dogs sloppy water bowl action is smart: Dogs extended more of their tongues to whack the water with a much wider surface area, then use their tongues to pull the water upward into a column at high speed, hitting an acceleration of roughly five to eight times that of gravity.

Court says that Michigan doesn’t need to provide quality public education: When education is not valued, society fails. Neither the people nor the country can thrive, much less survive without a good education.

Thought for Friday through Monday:

