Today is Election Day, and it seems even the Main Stream Media circus has limited interest.
And if you look to the left, we finally have a proven case of voter fraud. Its certain that this little Havanese didnât vote using its own ID.
Whatever the results, progressive ideas and politics will continue to decline because todayâs Democrats have moved to the right from where they were 40 years ago.
Based on the content of the 2014 mid-terms, Democrats are seeking to âconserveâ society as a 20th century education, an 18th century government, a neoliberal economic ideology, and contradictory policies in foreign affairs.
There is no energy in the mid-terms behind real reform, even well-protected Senators and Congresspersons are only willing to preserve watered-down versions of marriage rights for all, Social Security/Medicare, some semblance of a non-military expense category in the federal budget. And no one is for healthcare for all or addressing climate change. The Republicans mainly want to preserve wealth, protect large business and continue to go through the motions of appeasing their social conservative base and the gun lobby.
The tactics of both parties more or less âworkâ, if by that we mean to build long, lucrative political careers. There is no sense that any policy means much to Americaâs politicians who mostly speak in platitudes and rarely say what they mean.
Theyâve fooled us for decades and âthe peopleâ seemingly never tire of the BS. The Republicans have a closing argument that the Rude Pundit paraphrases thusly:
The Republican National Committee is up with an ad that throws every scary thing in the world at you. “ISIS gaining ground. Terrorists committing mass murder. Ebola inside the US, Americans alarmed about national security,” says the ominous voice ominously. “Whatâs President Obama doing? Making plans to bring terrorists from Guantanamo to our country. Ignoring the Constitution, the Congress, and the American people. November 4th, Obamaâs policies are on the ballot. Vote to keep terrorists off U.S. soil. Vote Republican.
The Democrats have no closing argument. The great tragedy of the Democrats is that they still believe politics is about competing sermons.
That is a nice fantasy, but that isnât how politics works today. Any attempt by Democrats to engage in a policy struggle with Republicans that fails to understand how powerful people on the right use a multitude of sophisticated techniques that would make Machiavelli faint, is doomed to failure, and the proof of this is right in front of us today.
We live in the mess these people are making. We have to vote, organize, and persuade others to vote if we are to make safe, secure lives for ourselves and for our families.
Here is Tuesday linkage:
Election officials in 27 states have launched a program that threatens a huge purge of voters from the rolls. The Interstate Crosscheck program has generated a list of 7 million names that state officials say represent people who are not only registered, but have actually voted in two or more states in the same election. You be the judge.
On the campaign trail, an Ohio Republican Supreme Court Judge says: (emphasis by the Wrongologist)
Whatever the governor does, whatever your state representative, your state senator does, whatever they do, we are the ones that will decide whether it is constitutional; we decide whether itâs lawful. We decide what it means, and we decide how to implement it in a given case. So, forget all those other votes if you donât keep the Ohio Supreme Court conservative.
The Small Business Majority, an organization of 30,000 small business owners, released the results of a September 2014 Internet survey of 900 small business owners that showed that 78% of their group believe we should change our current election system to one that allows for multiparty representation, a system that could lead to election of parties other than the Republicans and Democrats.
More lucky duckies living with their moms for free: A Pew Research analysis shows that the number of Americans living in multi-generational households has doubled since 1980. The figure spiked during the 2007-2009 recession and has moved even higher since then.
Signs of the times department: Washingtonâs Hirshhorn Museum has disbanded its docent program and replaced the largely retired staff with interns.
A follow-up to last weekâs link about F-35, is this disturbing article that says the F-35 is a second-rate warplane. Consider the source, but the article quotes some recognized warplane experts.
Inequality Watch: Oxfam reports that the number of billionaires has doubled since the financial crisis. In fact, they say that the top 85 most wealthy saw their collective wealth increase by $668 million every day last year. That’s almost half a million dollars every minute.
Bradblog reports that the problems with Diebold voting machines have not gone away, at least not in Maryland, Texas, Illinois, and Tennessee.
The WaPo reports that US-backed Syria rebels have been routed by fighters linked to al-Qaeda. Half measures donât work. Either we decide to go all-in with Assad, or letâs go home. His is the only force in the area capable of crushing ISIS. At the same time, we should remove the PKK and any other Kurdish forces from the terror list and supply them with the best weaponry. That is, if we really want to win.

I was reading your article about voting and the horrors of the Republican Party, but I was distracted. The Democrats are warning the minorities that the Klan is on the rise and that those dirty Republicans are going to take away the rights of anyone with pigmentation in their skin.
In other words…Republicans and Democrats both prey on the fears of the lowest common denominator. Have fun voting. You know it counts and will make a difference.
Good Morning JG: did you get to the point where Wrongo says the Democrabs have “no closing argument”? That means they deserve the whupping they will apparently get today.
Gotta go, time to vote.
to Jimmy: as a registered Republican who breeds blue eyed and blond, the notion that Republicans do not demonize blacks especially is simply wrong. Yesterday I listened to an interview with a semi-retired machinist. I expected him to speak about manufacturing, but he was outraged about Mexicans who moved in (and are working). He blamed the president, and not the folks who hired these people, nor the landlord who rented to them. Sure pols on both sides stoke fears – but let’s not ignore the the Republican party, once the home of small town moderates, is now the home of bigots and xenophobes.