We wake up this morning remembering that it is 34 years to the day since John Lennon was killed outside the Dakota in NYC.
The Wrongologist and Ms. Oh So Right lived in a loft in the Wall Street area in 1980 when Lennon was killed. That night, December 8, 1980, we were listening to Vin Scelsa on the (at the time) free-form radio station, WNEW-FM, when Vinny announced that Lennon had been shot. He later announced that John had died.
Why kill Lennon? Certainly he was not everyone’s cup of Earl Gray. The common view of The Beatles was that Paul was cute, Ringo was funny and George was cerebral. John was the thinker and renegade, clearly too edgy for some. Here is a Lennon song that was sung at our wedding just the year before:
John did more than write and sing music. He was an advocate against the Vietnam War and marched with people in protest on the streets of New York. Nixon tried to get him deported. But that didn’t work, although Mark David Chapman had a different plan for sending John away.
Your Monday Links:
How did that Arab Spring work out for Egyptians? Maybe not well at all.
Newborns in India are now dying at alarming rates from infections that used to be curable. We may have reached the apocalyptic scenario with antibiotics.
Here is a handy map that shows the geography that ISIS controls today.
Eight Los Angeles police officers who shot at two women over 100 times will not lose their jobs. They won’t even be suspended. They’ll just get some additional training.
Is “pay for performance” medical care helping or hurting patients?
Everything you think you know about Clausewitz is wrong.
Confirming just what you thought: Southern states have the lowest economic mobility in the country. Red states run by white Republicans, filled with people who have the blues.
Here is a thought for the day of Lennon’s death:
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” – William Faulkner, from Requiem for a Nun

On the night Lennon died, I was changing the shortening in the big chicken fryer an the KFC on Salem Drive in Dayton. I had a 2 year old son (married too) and was an assistant manager. I scorched the shortening that night, so had to throw out 250 lbs of fresh ruined shortening. It sort of fit the evening.
The card (youtube) is all by me.