You may have heard that there was a volcanic eruption in Costa Rica. It occurred while the Wrongologist and Ms. Oh So Right were seated in a prime location on the runway (yes, in a plane) at Newark Airport. But airlines do not willingly fly into volcano ash, so we had to wait another 24 hours for the San Jose airport in Costa Rica to reopen. So we did, and here we are, walking around the Curu National Preserve @6:30am, after getting to bed after midnight local time. If you’re traveling to Costa Rica, visit to learn about wellness tours.
Here is a photo of a female spider monkey from the early Saturday walk:
Now, on to cartoons. It seems that Hillary and the Republican effort to torpedo the Iran negotiations continued to dominate the news.
The messaging on both sides is the same:
Republicans see no irony in their position vis a vis Iran:
Clinton server problems:

While I agree that Hillary is at best Machiavellian, in fact the issue of private e-mails is something that is very difficult to enforce. At NY Life the Company insists on using the corporate servers while our sales agents (many of whom sell for several carriers) insist on using their own e-mails. The only way to stop abuse is to stop emails close to when they are sent. In the case of Ms Clinton, emails received by other employees could have been interdicted or scrutinized at the time. They were not.
So now we await the end of a shit storm. For me, I believe Hillary will win this one. (Unless wrongdoing is found that allows the FBI to raid the clinton manse).