The Republican-controlled House and Senate have each passed budgets for the coming Fiscal Year. The Senate plan seeks $5.1 trillion in domestic spending cuts over 10 years while boosting military funding.
Each budget plan derives more than two-thirds of its non-defense budget cuts from programs for people with low or modest incomes, even though these programs constitute less than one-quarter of federal program costs. One question needs to be asked: Why do Republicans insist on passing legislation that they know Mr. Obama will veto, rather than attempting to draft more palatable and bipartisan proposals (something that actually has a chance of passing) rather than grid-locking all government functions?
The newest Senate budget plan repeals Obamacare, since it’s working pretty well. Their budget guts Medicare and turns it into a voucher-driven private insurance program (another gift to the health-care industry). It cuts back even farther on Medicaid and food stamps; but, it provides a nice tax break to the highest-paid Americans, who don’t deserve a break today. It is evident to anyone who reads that Republicans do not want to eliminate Medicare nor reduce government.
What they want is to privatize it to make their donors even richer than what they are. This budget is similar to what Wisconsin and Kansas both have tried. You could check and see how their economies have tanked as a result of following discredited trickle-down Republican ideology. Now, for a few cartoons to provide some levity to an otherwise bad week.
Republicans give more $Billions to Pentagon than it asks for:
How the budgets compare:
GOP tries usual old trick again:
Obama decides on new plan for withdrawal from Afghanistan:
New screening should check for Pilots’ REAL baggage:
Senate Dems look to replace Harry Reid with Big Head Chuck:

Shumer is an arrogant ass. But maybe that is what it takes.
Good morning Wrongologist,
Terry and I finally agree on something. Schumer is an ass.
I love the cartoons, but I take umbrage with one small point you made in your post. Obamacare is working? I am sure that the under privileged undocumented workers are thrilled with the program. But the single mid 20 something’s that don’t want health insurance are not as thrilled to be forced to purchase a product or pay a fine to their government.
For me and my family? I feel extra patriotic when I look at my paycheck. I am now pay three times as much for my coverage than I was four years ago. Thank Barry for me the next time you run into him on the golf course. Oh…..tell him I think he is doing a great job with the whole Iran-Israel thing.
Jimmy: if you know a better way than suggest it. By the way, if you pay 3 times what you paid 4 years ago, you likely had a low priced plan (considered a cadillac plan) or a shitty plan and the new plans available under the ACA are more expensive. but… as an industry insider, i can confirm that actual heal costs (so what an employer pays for coverage for his workers- who rarely pay more than a small share) are stable.