There will be limited blogging for the next seven days, as the Wrongologist and Ms. Right head to Bermuda.
It was an epic news week, from the killings in Charleston to the ACA decision by the Supreme Court, 6-3, in which Antonin Scalia wrote the 21 page dissent. Then came the Marriage Equality decision. Antonin Scalia wrote another dissent, starting with:
I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy
Here is the Cliff notes version of both Scalia dissents: “I stole the 2000 election for this”??
They shot and missed:

Republicans secretly happy about SCOTUS decision on ACA:
Marriage equality decision not popular with everyone:
And the Supremes said, “Let them eat cake”:
The big change on the Confederate flag doesn’t change much:

What the Flag means:

The dissent re gay marriage consists of 4 angry men complaining that the constitution does not say anything that allows the court to re-define marriage. But we are in fact not re-defining marriage at all, just applying it to a new class of people, those who form pair bonds with member of their own sex. If we can recognize personal rights in a corporation we can certainly recognize human right in our gay brothers and sisters.