Sunday Cartoon Blogging – August 2, 2015

Why is it that Republicans don’t seem to pay a price for bad behavior? Like shutting down the government in 2013 didn’t have a repercussion in the 2014 election, which brought the GOP the Senate to go with their control of the House of Representatives. Now, the Republican candidates are trying to outdo each other in provocative opinions. So, the presidential candidates’ debate on Fox this week is shaping up to be a reality TV hostage show:

Nice little political party you have here…it would be a shame if something happened to it.

COW Bad Caddy


Huckabee tries out for 2nd banana:

COW the Apprentice

But it got worse, after Huckabee indicated Thursday that if elected, he wouldn’t rule out employing federal troops to stop abortions from taking place in the US. Even though the Supreme Court has ruled against bans on abortion, Huckabee said past presidents have defied Supreme Court rulings. So, according to Huck, not only do fetuses have more rights than women, but fetuses have more rights than children.

Why, in this man’s religion, does the fetus have rights that no one else gets?

What it takes this year to be one of the final pols in the debate:

COW Fox Debate













A killer dentist explains a few things:

COW Afraid of Dentist

Some think he deserves a prize:

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press
Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

And the cops vs. blacks beat went on:

COW Threatened


We now have a fill in-the-blanks script for all mass shootings:

COW Blank Feeling

And the Tom Brady fire sale started:

COW Brady shirt
