We said last Sunday that “Events were in the saddle”, that life ran a risk of spinning out of control. Well, the past week proved that events are driving everything. We had the horrible attack in Nice, France as their Bastille Day celebration was ending, and there was an attempted military coup in Turkey on Friday night.
Hard to believe two events in one week could drive Trump off page one, but it happened. And this week, the new Pokémon is more popular than either presidential candidate.
It may seem ironic that, while France refused to participate in the Iraq War, they are a preferred target for terror. But France DID led the way in the dismantling of Libya (while we “led from behind”). They intervened in Mali, and their history in Algeria was horrific. And France’s failure to integrate immigrants is a major causal element as well.
One of the big problems with terrorism is that it always strikes innocent people rather than the bosses who led their countries into war.
Welcome to the TerrorDome:
France now lives under the TerrorDome:
On the home front, Trump selected Mike Pence:
Regrets, they had a few:
The Hill and the Bern get on the same page:
America has decided:
The GOP convention starts this week. Let’s hope it is peaceful: