Demo Memo reports that the average worker works 4.77 days a week. But 19% of workers usually work on Saturday, while just 12% work on Sunday, according to the BLS American Time Use Survey. The vast majority, 68% of workers, work Monday through Friday.
Workers without a high school diploma are most likely to work weekends: 31% usually work Saturdays and 17% on Sundays. Those in service occupations are much more likely to work weekends: 39% usually work Saturdays and 28% Sundays.
And here’s Wrongo doing a little service work on the weekend! This week, the cartoonists were understandably focused on impeachment.
Dems really, really want to believe they’ve got him this time:
The GOP will say they’ve found absolute proof even if there’s nothing:
Fall, when the Congressperson’s thoughts turn to impeachment:
Some see only what they are told to see:
Don’t be surprised if it comes down to this:
Maybe we could advance the climate discussion if the message was clearer: