(Wrongo’s taking a bit of a Christmas break, so after Monday, posting will be light. We’ll be back on a normal schedule NLT Monday, January 6th. Wrongo truly appreciates you guys sticking around for all these years!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year — let’s hope it brings change we can believe in.)
A succinct summation of the week’s news:
Branding has consequences:
The never ending story:
Who to believe:
Rollerball broke out at the Dem Debate:
2019’s alternative “Away in the Manger” story:
What’s in a name?

Too bad the NYT doesn’t do political cartoons (even if they were balanced). What disturbs and baffles me about Trump is not that yahoos love him but that people I thought were perfectly reasonable and respected do. It pains me to conclude that they must be yahoos after all. They’re told it’s raining and they’ll deny it.
Ottho, the NYT stopped publishing political cartoons earlier this year. Agree, many of my “perfectly reasonable” friends support Trump also. That proves to me that they’re far from perfectly reasonable. We are in dark times, not just in the US, but in many formerly reasonable countries.
Glad you are spending a few months anchored in a beautiful place. Merry Christmas!