With the Senate’s passage of the Covid relief bill along Party lines, Wrongo is certain that given the chance, the GOP will do to Biden precisely what they did to Obama: Obstruct nearly everything in the hope that it will help them return to control of House and/or the Senate in 2022.
There may be agreement on an infrastructure bill, but if the filibuster remains in place, that will be the only other thing that Democrats achieve before the 2022 midterms.
It’s important to remember that a family of four that makes $13.25/hour is living at the poverty level if they are working a 40-hour week. Few of those workers receive retirement, health benefits, or paid vacations.
Yet America is willing to provide many school-age children in this socio-economic segment three meals a day, often when school isn’t in session. It’s analogous to America failing to provide health care to the neediest, while letting the most critically ill into a local emergency room. The case for increasing the minimum wage is overwhelming.
Rome is burning. We should be willing to overpay for more fire extinguishers. That means end the filibuster. On to cartoons.
Opinions differ based on viewpoints:
Elephant plans to update Seuss:
People are starting to think we might get back to normal:
But not in Texas:
Two presidents compared:
Cuomo looks to the future: