It’s doubtful that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will remain in power, or indeed, live to the conclusion of Putin’s War. There’s a very good likelihood he will not physically survive this weekend, but he’s been remarkably courageous in the face of all this. Ukraine posted a video in which Zelensky said, when the US offered him safe passage out of the country:
“I need ammunition, I don’t need a ride.”
We knew Zelensky had guts because he stood up to Trump when Trump attempted to blackmail Ukraine into sabotaging Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020; but his strength now is at a different level. Three years ago, he was playing a president in a popular television comedy. Today, he’s confronting Russia’s military, having become his TV character in real life.
We’re so used to posturing, talking points and brand management by politicians that it’s almost breathtaking to witness actual courage, resolve, and leadership. Zelensky is rising to this moment.
Many “wise” western pundits have been saying that the guy was hopelessly in over his head. But clutch moments show us to be who we are. And there he is: Not running. Compare that to America’s former ally, the last President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, who got the f outta Dodge at the first hint that things were going south.
Very few of us will ever face Zelensky’s situation. But we all have moments where we must face our fears and live out our principles or run. Zelensky is passing that test. On to cartoons, all about Putin.
Putin’s War has some support:
It’s hard to campaign when your leader undermines the message:
Views on what’s inexcusable differ:
What Putin wants has been clear for years:
America changes its mind about Ukraine:
GOP reacts to Biden’s nominee:

The behavior of Republicans/Conservatives is astonishing to someone like myself who grew up seeing NJ Republicans like Clifford Case and Millicent Fenwick. So solid, decent, committed to finding policy solutions to problems. I registered as a Republican when I first voted in 1972. I did not vote for Reagan and despaired of his “voodoo” economics. Still NJ Governor Kean was a man to be proud of. So was his opponent Jim Florio. But the world of rational Republicans is long over. The moderates were chased away and now we have a bizarre party of folks whose only guide star is what do Democrats say- and they say the opposite. Of course Trump’s suspicious (worrisome) ties to Russia remain to be fully explained.