(There will not be a Monday Wake-up Call column this week)
The WaPo wrote about a recently-retired DC Circuit judge David Tatel, who had some harsh words for the current justices on the Supreme Court. Tatel says that he stepped down from the US Court of Appeals in January in part because he was tired of having his work reviewed:
“….by a Supreme Court that seemed to hold in such low regard the principles to which I’ve dedicated my life….It was one thing to follow rulings I believed were wrong when they resulted from a judicial process I respected. It was quite another to be bound by the decisions of an institution I barely recognized.”
“Tatel’s commentary is notable because he only recently left the bench, and because he prided himself on judicial restraint and for his friendships with judges nominated by Republican presidents while serving on the influential federal appeals court in DC.”
The majority of the justices on this Court have lost most, if not all, of their credibility. When you take money from vested interests with issues before the court, fly partisan flags on your homes and blame it on your wife, or when you state you will not overturn judicial precedent in your confirmation hearings, and then turn around and do just that – that is when you lose all credibility.
On to cartoons. It is difficult to know which is more stunning, the hypocrisy or the ignorance:
But let’s cast a vote for hypocrisy:
And still more hypocrisy:
Must keep our priorities in order:
If only:
Few of the WWII vets remain:
We may never again see this kind of heroism or putting country above self:

The problem is that many are unreachable. This NY Times article gives and example of how lost some folks are: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/08/pageoneplus/quote-of-the-day-a-county-clerks-lonely-quest-vs-die-hard-election-deniers.html?smid=url-share
The election official, a MAGA Republican in a rural Nevada country is not trusted by voters who she knows. It is a crazy situation. These officials are generally just folks who want to do good. Now they are threatened by the crazies.