Sunday Cartoon Blogging – September 15, 2013

ask philosophers or clergy for answers to questions like: “Why do people gas
innocents?” Or, “What should my personal response be when the rest of the world
casts a blind eye on evil?”

Mr. Obama and the rest of America have had to
wrestle with these questions for the past few weeks.

debate over Syria uncovered a shift in US attitude on foreign policy from: “We
don’t care about the consequences to others if we intervene militarily,” to “We
don’t care about the consequences to others if we DON’T intervene militarily.”

The distinction isn’t
subtle. Are there more than collective answers? Use the quote by Gertrude Stein on the church sign below to construct your homily for this week:

I need answers, dammit!

Who had the big idea?

All we are saying:

Playing Politics with Syria:

Exceptional Criticism:

Worldview based on Politics:
