Sunday Cartoon Blogging – June 21, 2015

We know that when faced with a tragedy, some people exploit it for narrow ends. But we got to see just how low Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) could go. Appearing on The View, Senator Graham at first said a couple of things that seemed mainstream:

Itā€™s not who we are, itā€™s not who our country is, itā€™s about this guy…and this guyā€™s got tons of problems and to kill people in a church after sitting with them for an hour shows you how whacked out this kid is.

Fine. Heā€™s going with the lone wacko meme instead of the domestic terrorist meme.

Then he goes further. Despite the fact that the Justice Department had labeled the attack a ā€œhate crime,ā€ Graham wouldnā€™t go there: (emphasis and brackets by the Wrongologist)

There are real people who are organized out there to kill people in religion and based on race, this guyā€™s just whacked out…But itā€™s 2015. There are people out there looking for Christians [in order] to kill them.

Excuse us Mr. Graham, there hasnā€™t been anything so far to indicate that this was a hate crime against Christians for being Christian. And when you suggest that it is about that, two bad things happen:

ā€¢ It denies the legitimacy of the trauma this caused black people in and outside South Carolina, irrespective of their religious beliefs
ā€¢ It feeds the paranoia of white Christians, many of whom already have a borderline persecution complex

He ignores that the killerā€™s roommate said he was ā€œbig into segregationā€ and wanted to start a race war, and that he had Confederate Flag vanity plates. The eyewitness survivors of the attack said that he complained about black people raping white people.

Under the circumstances, it is safe to say that this was a hate crime, and also that it was a hate crime directed against black people for being black. This guy turned his anger on black people. The next guy might target secularists because politicians like Mr. Graham use this tragedy to say that people are out to get Christians.

A primary job of our leaders is to tamp down paranoia when it appears. But, Sen. Graham isnā€™t interested in calming peopleā€™s fears, he is a merchant of the politics of fear. He wants you to be afraid all the time, which is how he builds support for his domestic policies and his foreign adventures.

That he is consistently re-elected speaks volumes about South Carolina. Only 672,941 people of South Carolina’s roughly 3.8 million voters voted for him in 2014. Since he is now a GOP presidential candidate, he wants to win the SC GOP primary. So he is only speaking to those 672,941 SC voters.

That implies that he has no moral compass.

On to cartoons. South Carolina was the dominant story, but we heard from Pope Frank, Obamaā€™s trade deal passed the House, and there is a new $10 bill on the way.

We shouldnā€™t fool ourselves about root causes:

COW Root Cause










The usual suspects offered the usual denials:

COW More Denial

The Popeā€™s faith-based climate teaching met resistance:

COW Pope Climate 2

Pope Francis has difficulty reading right-wing signals:

COW Pope Climate

Obama rides Republicans towards a trade deal:

COW Trade Deal 1

There should be no debate on who will be on new $10 bill:

COW $10 Bill



Terry McKenna

Though it might be nice if leaders tamped down fear and hatred, conservatives often flame the fires.