So many stories competing for our attention this week. The bomber, the “driving while black” shootings, the upcoming debate.
Let’s start with Tulsa and Charlotte:
And how many news reports do we hear about a stranded white motorist being shot, or a social worker lying on the ground with his hands in the air getting shot? The smart phone camera is the only disinfectant that may end this.
The Presidential candidates’ response to NYC and NJ bomber taught us quite a bit:
This shows the difference in the way Democrats and Republicans view the world. Democrats are trying to figure out why people are getting radicalized, who they are, and how to stop them. Republicans want to carpet bomb the place until the sands glow and let (their) god sort them out.
The Wells Fargo hearings gave us a rare moment of bi-partisan solidarity:
Wrongo does not endorse killing anyone at Wells Fargo or any other bank or Wall Street firm. But is putting a few behind bars too much to ask?
The debate is tomorrow, but what on earth will they talk about?