Could Ferguson MO become Newark NJ, 1967?

A little history:

A riot broke out in Newark in 1967, triggered by the police beating a black cab driver, who was falsely reported to have died. Five nights of rioting and looting followed in what the press in those days called the “ghetto”. Republican Governor Richard J. Hughes called up the New Jersey National Guard. When the National Guard arrived, reports began coming in of scores of black snipers roaming the city, and terrorists with dynamite and arms heading towards Newark with supplies for the uprising.

As a result, when the Police or the Guard saw people, or some shadow on far away windows, they began shooting. The results? 26 deaths and 725 wounded.

Were there truly black snipers? Here is some information from the report of The Kerner Commission: (emphasis by the Wrongologist)

In the summer of 1967, after the riots in Newark, Detroit, and 125 other cities, President Lyndon Johnson convened an advisory commission to look into what happened and why. The report of the Kerner Commission, which warned of a nation moving toward a “system of apartheid” in its cities, concluded that the so-called snipers in Newark were actually members of the police, Troopers, and Guard, who, lacking any reliable communications and possessed by fear of the specter of armed black men, often ended up shooting at each other.

The most dangerous person in the world is a frightened person. If they are armed to the teeth, and they are frightened, really bad things can happen. It is very interesting to read contemporaneous reporting from the 1967 riot. The rioters are called “terrorists” by the New York Times:

Incensed by the slaying of a white fire captain by Negro snipers, Gov. Richard J. Hughes said he was considering an appeal for Federal help in capturing the terrorists.

What happened next was urban warfare. More from the NYT of July 16, 1967:

After midnight, Springfield Avenue, the main commercial street in the ghetto, was raked by machine gun fire from guardsmen and the police, who ducked behind cars and sprayed the roofs of buildings thought to contain terrorists…The Governor again said that the riots were not caused by a spontaneous uprising against unemployment, squalid housing and a general hopelessness – as negro leaders insist – but were an outbreak by a “vicious criminal element.” Thrusting out his jaw, he promised that the rioters would receive swift and retributive justice.

Ferguson hasn’t gotten to that point yet. But it has similar elements, all waiting for a spark.

The Kerner Commission Report concluded that the trigger for the Newark riots and those in 125 other US cities, were confrontations between the local police and members of local African-American communities. It also concluded that the residents’ held a perception (often justified) of the largely white police as an occupying force which was in the community to serve and protect the interests of the privileged white communities rather than to serve and protect the legitimate interests of the local minority residents, and that the police inherently harbored racist attitudes toward residents of minority communities that they were also charged to serve.

Compare that conclusion of 47 years ago to Ferguson MO today.

Newsweek reports that 22% of Ferguson residents live below the poverty line, and 21.7% receive food stamps. The unemployment rate in the town is 14.3%, or more than double that of St. Louis County and Missouri as a whole: (emphasis by the Wrongologist)

…in 2013, the Ferguson Municipal Court issued 24,532 arrest warrants and 12,018 cases, or about 3 warrants and 1.5 cases per household.

In the media commentary on Ferguson, there is little mention of the economic and social conditions that underlie both the current growth of police repression and the eruption of popular anger in response to it. We don’t hear that one out of four residents of St. Louis lives in poverty. Or that the wholesale closure of auto plants, breweries and other manufacturing facilities has led to the loss of two-thirds of St. Louis’s population since 1950.

Or, that 47% of the metropolitan area’s African American men between ages 16 and 24 are unemployed.

What we are seeing in Ferguson is a disturbing trend in US policing: Violence against inanimate property equals violence against “the people”. And it is not just in miniority neighborhoods. Think about the excessive force used by police all across America to break up the Occupy movement’s civil disobedience.

This is why police departments across the US are being prepared and equipped to deal with mass unrest. That is what The Powers That Be are expecting.

Along with everybody else who has seen the writing on the wall.

Thoreau, from Civil Disobedience:

…Thus the state never intentionally confronts a man’s sense, intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses. It is not armed with superior wit or honesty, but with superior physical strength. I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest…


10% of Voting Age Americans Not Registered to Vote

What’s Wrong Today:

In early June, Pew Research published a study called Political Polarization in the American Public. It reported that Republicans and Democrats are more divided along ideological lines than at any point in the past two decades. They surveyed 10,000 adults nationwide and the headline result was that these divisions are greatest among those who are the most engaged and active in the political process. The political center is shrinking while those at the left and right limits are growing. Here is a graph from the report:

PEW Ideological Divide

Now, Pew gives us more reason to be concerned about the future of our politics. The latest Pew Research Center’s political typology report was published on June 28. It sorted voters into 8 cohesive groups based on their attitudes and values, providing us with a political field guide for the elections in November. One of the groups is called “Bystanders”. They are 10% of the voting-age population. Despite all of the movement we see above among other groups, Bystanders were also 10% of voting-age population in 2011. They are one group that will pay little, if any attention, to America’s midterm elections this November. From Pew Research: (emphasis by the Wrongologist)

Overall, 10% of Americans are what we call Bystanders, or the politically disengaged…None of this cohort say they’re registered to vote, and none say they follow government and public affairs most of the time (this compares with 48% of Americans overall). Virtually all of this group (96%) say they’ve never contributed money to a candidate running for public office

Bystanders are young: 38% are under 30, compared to 22% of the general public; 67% have a high school education (or less), vs. 40% of the general public. Nearly a third (32%) are Hispanic and 29% are not citizens.

Although Bystanders view the Democratic Party more favorably than the GOP, they have a mix of liberal and conservative attitudes. They are sympathetic to the plight of the poor, but as many say that government aid to the poor does more harm than good as vice versa. They express fairly liberal views on homosexuality and same-sex marriage, but 54% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

Asked about their interest in a number of topics,
• 73% of Bystanders say they have no interest in government and politics
• 66% say they are not interested in business and finance
• 66% think of themselves as an “outdoor person”
• 64% of Bystanders are interested in celebrities and entertainment (vs. 46% of the public)
• 35% call themselves a “video or computer gamer” (vs. 21% of the public)

Every aspect of our demography is being fundamentally transformed. Huge gaps have opened up in our political and social values, our economic well-being, our family structure, our racial and ethnic identity, our gender norms, our religious affiliation, and our use of technology. Are these people our future?

In the Pew survey, Bystanders were more likely than other political cohorts to answer “don’t know,” more likely to say they’ve “never heard of” the topic in question or to refuse to answer questions altogether.

So, taking away the 29% of Bystanders who aren’t US citizens and can’t vote, there are 71% of 10% of voting age Americans − some 7.1% of eligible voters − who could vote if they wanted to register. Or if they can register, since several states have added voter suppression laws since the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County vs. Holder last year.

What would it take to get them to pay attention politically? The 38% of the Bystanders who are Millennials are most likely to have common cause with the Democrats. If even half of them were convinced to register and were to vote blue in 2014 that would be a 2% boost for the Dems.

It might go a long way towards keeping the Senate with the Democrats in November.

Our last 4 presidential elections were based on negative messaging, by Republicans against Obama and by Democrats against GW Bush. We will not end the political polarization or bring the Bystanders into active citizenship until each party offers a positive vision with realistic programs backing it up.

We have to rebalance the social compact to better bind our young and old. Otherwise we will lose these young, less educated Americans who are more interested in celebrities than in the constitution.

In tomorrow’s world, yesterday’s math will not add up.
