Truth in Today’s Texas

Wrong Today

When you
talk with ideologues, the worst and weakest way to persuade them of anything
is by using facts. They simply don’t care about facts…They own the Truth, so
facts just muddy the waters, because of their private pipeline to Truth.

A reporter from the
Houston Chronicle/San Antonio Express-News Capitol bureau recorded a Texas legislator
arguing that sex education gets previously chaste teens so “hot and bothered”
that they can’t even use contraception correctly. I highly doubt they were shown something like the material you find on, so this story seems overblown to say the least.

Check out the audio clip of the conversation among state Rep.
Steve Toth, (R-The Woodlands), state Rep. Bill Zedler, (R-Arlington), and state
Rep. Donna Howard, (D-Austin). The three were speaking just minutes after the
House State Affairs Committee approved
legislation with extreme abortion restrictions
that could cause most of
the state’s clinics to close. Rep. Howard was explaining to her colleagues that
responsible sex education, including information on birth control, would lower
the number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions. Instead of couples and sexual partners thinking contraception isn’t needed due to so many adult films on sites like and many others that lack contraception methods.

Rep. Toth didn’t
agree: (emphasis by the Wrongologist)

wife worked at a home for unwed moms, and one of the little kids that was born,
his name is David. David came about as a result of his mom and dad, who were
just 16 at the time, going to a Planned
Parenthood deal where they taught them how to use contraceptives
. They were
not sexually active at that point. They got into the car, and they were so hot
and bothered from this deal, he couldn’t even get the condom on.

If you listen to the
rest of the clip, Rep. Howard then asks her colleagues to
move beyond absurd anecdotes and provide some real data to back up their

Sadly, they do not.

Shouldn’t we be thankful
for good, God-fearing, patriotic Christian white males like Texas state Rep.
Steve Toth? After all, he’s willing to shoulder the heavy burden of protecting
Texas men from the evil of women’s lady parts. After all, he recognizes
the reality that women use their sexuality to manipulate and trap men into
having children and forcing them to marry. Once you understand that basic and
undeniable Truth, it stands to reason that someone needs to protect men from women and their scheming uteri.

It seems doubtful
that the collective brain power of the Texas Congressional delegation could
jump-start a Vespa.

When your roster
includes Steve Stockman, John Cornyn, Louie Gohmert, Joe Barton, and Ted Cruz
as your “rising stars”, you may be in trouble. Where else but Texas could a
Governor demonstrate his leadership by holding a statewide day of prayer
in a desperate attempt to end a drought…and be taken seriously by his constituents?

Texas politicians would
be humorous if they weren’t deadly serious about turning Texas into a functional dominionist theocracy,
a place where white conservative Christians rule and where women and minorities
are by law second-class citizens.

It is apparent that
there is some form of Texas Tourette’s syndrome that causes their governmental
institutions and individuals to think the unthinkable, say the unspeakable, and
take actions that are disconnected from accepted norms of, well, science and history.

The list of ignorance
and/or irrationality is stunning. Texas politics is a comedy gold mine. Consider some highlights:

  • Rick Perry talks seriously about
    Texas seceding and no one objects
  • Louie Gohmert believes there’s a straight line
    that connects bestiality and same-sex marriage to gun control
  • John Cornyn compares same-sex marriage
    to copulating with turtles
  • Ted Cruz is convinced that he’s
    the only thing stopping Barack Obama from becoming a Muslim dictator…right
    after he helps the UN abolish golf courses
  • Ezekiel Gilbert was acquitted of murder (unusual for a
    state infamous for conducting about half of America’s death penalties), even
    though he killed a prostitute who took his $150 and then refused to service
  • Willie Moore got 50 years in prison for stealing a
    rack of ribs

(Yes, the lesson
really IS that barbecue has a higher value in Texas than the life of a woman).

BTW, which state has the highest incidence of repeat teen pregnancies? Texas –
where 22% of teens under 20 who give birth have already had at
least one child. No need for sex ed in Texas and that’s the Truth.

What makes Texas so grotesque? Perhaps it’s the wide open spaces. Or the heat,
or maybe the armadillos.

Whatever the reason, no
place combines ignorance, hyper-religiosity, intolerance, and misogyny
like Texas. Whether it’s politicians or dumber than dirt criminals, no place on
the planet does whack job as well as Texas.

Now that’s Truth to
be proud of.

Terry McKenna

I listened to the clip (tooth et al) and to be frank its about anecdotes and when the woman mentions data all we get is push back. Not sure if Texas is the stupidest, after all, there is a march to the bottom going on right now (kansas, wisconsin etc) but they certainly are doing all the right things.