Happy Thanksgiving! Gratitude is the word for today.
This is our 837th column, and Wrongo wants to thank all those who have stuck around since the beginning, all of you who read them, and those who comment. The Wrongologist started this blog with the idea of highlighting what is wrong and providing it to you in digestible bites. So on this day of huge (possibly indigestible) bites of turkey, gravy, pies, dressing, etc. Wrongo is very grateful to all of you!
It turns out the more grateful people are, the healthier they are. NPR reported on a study by Paul Mills, a professor of family medicine and public health at UC San Diego, that showed people who were more grateful had better cardiac health:
We found that more gratitude in these patients was associated with better mood, better sleep, less fatigue and lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers related to cardiac health…
More from Dr. Mills:
Taking the time to focus on what you are thankful for…[and] letting that sense of gratitude wash over you…helps us manage and cope.
So, who knew? Being thankful can keep your heart healthy. That, and no seconds on stuffing and gravy on Thanksgiving.
Here is a short video that captures the need by some to be controlling about the Thanksgiving Day dinner. It is by Ms. Oh So Right’s film producer daughter.
Any similarity to our family, or to her mother, or her foodie sister, is purely coincidental:
Finally, here is one of the great non-Thanksgiving Day tunes of Thanksgiving: “Be Thankful for What You’ve Got” by William DeVaughn. This one-hit wonder sold two million copies in 1974, reaching #1 on the US R&B charts and #4 on the Billboard chart. It has that great Philly sound, and reminds us of a time when there was more optimism in America.
Since you are reading this, you woke up on this side of the dirt! Another reason to be thankful…
Those who read the Wrongologist in email can view them here and here.
(The next Wrongologist post will be Sunday)