One week ago, the cumulative US COVID-19 death toll was 15,000. Seven days later, the death toll is now 36,000. That means in a week, about 21,000 Americans have died, a growth rate of 140%. In the past two months, here’s how US coronavirus deaths have grown:
- Feb 17: 0 deaths
- March 17: 111 deaths
- April 17: 36,997 deaths
Although deaths are a lagging indicator for how successful we are in our efforts to contain the Coronavirus, and despite all the happy talk about flattening the curve, this looks like a rocket ship leaving the launch pad.
The Navy has now tested about 94% of the crew on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the aircraft carrier that was sidelined with a Coronavirus outbreak. As of Friday, 660 crew members (of about 4,865) have now tested positive for Coronavirus.
However, of those 660 who were positive, 60% have not shown any symptoms associated with the illness. This should cause us to question the true rate of infections in the US. The proportion of people who are asymptomatic carriers worldwide remains unknown, but at 60%, the Theodore Roosevelt’s figure is higher than the 25%-50% range Dr. Fauci laid out in early April.
Taking these two data points together, America should proceed carefully as it leaves the lockdown.
On to cartoons. Another day, another spin of the big blame wheel:
With big business, some things never change:
If not his signature, then certainly his fingerprints:
The right’s narrative that can kill:
Individual responsibility has consequences:
John Roberts has to live with his Wisconsin voting decision:

Don’t know if you have seen this: but it certainly explains how we can see a party that has no positions at all, except to lower taxes and remove regulations. It is white anger and racism that binds their voters to the party.