Sunday Cartoon Blogging – December 13, 2020

Small rant once again today about our do-nothing Congress, who can’t see the damage caused by their failure to support America’s unemployed and underemployed as the year draws to a close. Check out Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA):

The Department of Defense spends about $2 billion a day, so when Republicans say that we simply can’t afford a meaningful COVID-19 relief bill, it strains credibility. What will we have that is worth defending if we won’t look out for our own people?

What our politicians lack are both priorities and empathy. This isn’t just a matter of economic philosophy – it’s a matter of life and death. We must reject the current cult of selfishness that is currently ruining America. Because if we can’t see our way clear to pull together and look out for each other, millions of us may die ultimately needless deaths. America is better than this. The question is whether or not Congress actually is. On to cartoons:

Where’s Congress’s feeling of Christmas?

When Trump was granted a coat of arms for his Scottish golf courses in 2012, he chose as its motto “Numquam concedere” or, never concede. He hasn’t. Despite the Supreme Court’s decision, Trump’s campaign plans to buy ads on cable networks still seeking to overturn the election. According to Bloomberg, one commercial claims that mail-in ballots were “a recipe for fraud”. It urges viewers to “contact your legislators today.” He’ll never go gracefully:

And his co-conspirators are no better:

And the Trumpists have evolved, but not to a better place:

But after January 20, there will be some hope for tomorrow:

Terence Mc Kenna

When I see the cartoon of the angry Trump voter I think of two couples I know. For both the wife was a colleague and even a friend. One is retired now – and her son in law works where I do. Both women were CVPs and both well paid with nice houses. Their kids went to college and so on. They take nice vacations. They come from working class roots but are hardly working class. Yet one of them would remark about Obama that he is half white (so clearly taking talking points from Fox etc). The other would complain about aid to the poor saying that what about her kids (well they weren’t poor) they earned at least $250k as a couple in the last years. The grievances are urged on by folks who are really just entertainers of a sort. How can we stop it? Of course we can’t. But it is a feedback loop that is hurting America.