Wrongo and family have moved temporarily to the Southern Mansion of Wrong for a few days to escape the New England winter. We rent the same oceanfront house each year. While it is low rent compared to Mar-a-Lago, here is the Sunday AM view:
Another great week for cartoons! Trump tweets that Obama bugged the phones at Trump Tower, but Obama denies it:
Two things are funny here: that Trump thinks the election process is âsacredâ, after all that happened last November, and that he canât spell âtapâ.
GOP loved, loved Trumpâs first address to the Congress:
Paul Ryanâs got a secret plan for health care:
Ryan’s plan will offer more choices to Americans. Our choices will be open casket, closed casket, and cremation. When Obama pushed the TPP, and Congress people could only see it in a secret room, the GOP howled. Apparently we the peasants should simply shut up, and eat our tiny bowls of gruel.
The Donaldâs view of his defense budget in context:
Guns and tanks, tanks and guns, shoot ’em up, let’s have some fun
Jeff Sessions channels Bill Clinton:
How can a leader get away with saying nothing is his fault?