The Daily Escape:
Sunrise, West End Overlook, Pittsburgh PA – photo by Kevin Simpson Photography
âThe whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected….Thus we have two great types — the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins….This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.â â G.K. Chesterton
Remember that Chesterton was British, and he died in 1936.
Wrongoâs really dreading the prospect of looking down a double barreled shotgun of Biden vs. Bernie. This confession is brought on by the WaPo, who reported on its poll with ABC News:
âNationally…the competition has moved in the direction of Biden and Sanders, with Warren, Buttigieg and others now clearly behind. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning registered voters, Biden is favored by 32% with Sanders at 23%…In both cases, those percentages are slightly better than what each received in an October Post-ABC national poll.
Warren is currently running third but has seen a significant drop in her support nationally, falling from 23% in October to 12% in the new poll…..she is the only other candidate for the Democratic nomination in double digits.â
Hereâs the placement of the rest:
- Bloomberg: 8%
- Yang: 7%
- Buttigieg: 5%
- Klobuchar: 3%
The WaPo indicates Democrats are motivated in this election. An amazing 73% said that they are certain to vote in their stateâs primary or caucus, significantly higher than the 59% who said the same in January 2016. Importantly, 9 in 10 Democrats who named a candidate said that while they are enthusiastic about their choice, 53% still would consider another candidate.
Warren has slipped particularly among women, where her support fell from 26% to 12%. But while she trails Biden and Sanders as the first choice among Democratic voters, she does well when people are asked who their second choice is.
Overall, 23% name Warren as their second choice, slightly higher than either Sanders or Biden. When first and second choices are combined, Biden leads at 48%, followed by Sanders at 41%, and Warren at 35%Â percent. No other candidate is within 20Â points of this combination.
But, this eye-catching poll is based on a very small sample. The Post-ABC poll only sampled 388 Democrats nationally. It includes 349 who are registered voters. Most important, the margin of error is ± six percentage points.
Itâs also important to remember that Warren got the endorsement of the Des Moines Register, which probably means more than her earlier co-endorsement by The Times. Nate Silver notes that despite the WaPo poll, Warren is closer in Iowa:
â…the Des Moines Register endorsement tonight could actually matter. Historically, it helps the endorsee by 3 points which matters in a race where the top 4 candidates are separated by ~5 points.â Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) January 25, 2020â
Itâs unlikely that 3 points would make Warren the winner of the Iowa primary, but it does seem likely to keep her above the critical 15% threshold for delegates. That would probably keep Iowa from making this a two-man (literally) race.
Wrongo doesnât know who he’d support if it comes down to Biden vs. Bernie. Wrongo doubts that Bernie would be a good president. Would he be able to get much done? Itâs easy to imagine Trump beating Bernie to death with Marxist-Socialist epithets.
Biden would probably be able to staff a professional administration. But his lack of an ambitious progressive agenda means that even if he were elected, his presidency might not amount to much either. OTOH, he may help other Democrats for House and Senate more than Bernie can. Bernieâs âOur Revolutionâ movement endorsed about 80 candidates in 2018, and just 6 of them were elected.
Warren seems to be a better choice than either, and it’s really depressing that she canât get much traction with voters.
All of this means that there is a distinct possibility Trump gets reelected in a replay of 2016 no matter who is the ultimate Dem candidate. They all have serious weaknesses. Each has a core group of enthusiastic supporters, and a core group that says that candidate underwhelms them.
Can whoever is the nominee eventually become a consensus candidate?
Wake up America! A lot of people like Biden because they want the politics out of politics. They want “the people in DC to cut out the political shit, and just work together to do what’s right for the country“.
But as Chesterton said, this is just another example of our traditional American way of really wanting to keep the politics IN politics.
The Parties like things just the way they are.

At least one reason Warren is losing ground is that she is always full of moral outrage and righteous indignation, anget, too earnest almost, like Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Folksiness works better. I dumped her after seeing her confronting Sanders on stage about him supposedly having called her a liar. So lame,