On Saturday, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard acknowledged that it accidentally shot down a Ukrainian jetliner while it was taking off from Tehran earlier in the week, killing all 176 people aboard. The admission raised a host of new questions: Who authorized the strike on the plane, and why Iran hadnât shut down its international airport or airspace if it was expecting a US reprisal for their missile attack?
A few words about missile air defense. Wrongo ran an air defense missile unit in Germany during the Vietnam era. Each day, our unit would calibrate the radars by training them on commercial aircraft take-offs and landings at Frankfurt Main airport, about 80 miles away.
Airports keep a regular space between flights taking off, or landing. Those taking off are traveling at a higher speed than those landing. And in any event, they both are moving far more slowly than an aircraft on an attack run. Also, commercial aircraft look much larger on a radar screen than a fighter/bomber looks.
So, everyone who has air defense responsibilities near a large airport immediately knows the difference between a commercial airliner and a military fighter on their radar screens.
While Wrongo did this back in the dark ages, some rules of engagement are universal. Under normal circumstances, no individual air defense unit is authorized to fire at aircraft unless told to do so by higher command authority. There are exceptions: When communication is lost with command, or in the case of a âgeneral release to engageâ by higher authority. That usually would happen if under a verified attack by the enemy.
Iran has said that the air defense forces ringing the capital were at the “highest level of readiness”, and that they were âprepared for an all-out conflict.â While it may mean something different in Iran, for US air defense, that wouldnât mean fire at will.
And it certainly wouldnât mean fire at a huge, slow blip on your radar screen. The regime looks like dishonest incompetents to the rest of the world. On to cartoons.
The real reason for engaging Iran: (Graeme Keys, from Ireland)
Speaking of Obama, his rules still apply:
The real reason for the US standing down:
Having a policy means more than he thinks:
The reasoning for the attack keeps changing:

I am mystified why Iran would shoot down the plane – if, as you say, it is easy to differentiate between a large commercial aircraft and an attack jet.
It could easily be a rogue individual or unit. Physical control of the ability to fire the missile would have been in the unitâs hands while operational control was at the command level. I once had a rogue officer attempt to fire one w/o authority. Stress had taken away his training.