Wrongo and Ms. Oh So Right have safely returned to the Mansion of Wrong after our week in warmer climes. The timing of our travel was perfect! We were away during the two norâeasters that dumped 18â of snow on the Mansion, and we are back before the next snow on Tuesday. Here is a picture of sunrise on the day we pulled out of our FL rental:
On to cartoons. Trump will try to show North Koreaâs Kim the art of the deal without using his hands:
This, by a right-wing cartoonist, makes Trump look like he knows something about tariffs. Thatâs untrue:
Trump baffles some of the base, but others get the picture:
The GOP is still in denial about Trumpâs steel tariffs:
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions redefines the “Golden Door” of American immigration:
Trumpâs decision to again allow importation of elephant parts shows his character: