What you missed in Fridayâs news about Robert Mueller wrapping up the Russia investigation was that Trump announced the appointment of Stephen Moore, a conservative economic pundit as a member of the Board of the Federal Reserve.
Moore is a doofus. Thereâs no bigger example of a so-called “economist” failing his way upwards than Stephen Moore as Jon Chait points out: (emphasis by Wrongo)
“Stephen Mooreâs career as an economic analyst has been a decades-long continuous procession of error and hackery….Mooreâs primary area of pseudo-expertise â he is not an economist â is fiscal policy. He is a dedicated advocate of supply-side economics, relentlessly promoting his fanatical hatred of redistribution and belief that lower taxes for the rich can and will unleash wondrous prosperity. Like nearly all supply-siders, he has clung to this dogma in the face of repeated, spectacular failures.”
Wrongo hastens to remind everyone that the Fed is in charge of MONETARY POLICY, not Fiscal policy. Moore only holds a Masterâs degree in Economics. There are many, many examples of Mooreâs hacktastic pseudo-expertise in economics. Slate reports that Moore: (brackets by Wrongo)
“Predicted that Bill Clintonâs tax hikes would bring disaster (they didnât), that George W. Bushâs tax cuts would bring prosperity (they didnât), and that Barack Obamaâs policies were setting us up for â70s-style stagflation (they didnât)….He and supply-side guru Art Laffer were also key advisers behind Kansasâ fiscally and politically disastrous tax cuts. In spite of his own track record of [consistently] failed predictions, he has disparaged Keynesian macroeconomics as ‘witchcraft.'”
He’s recently called for Trump to fire the entire Fed board. Moore has blamed the Fedâs rate increases over the past year for slowing economic growth, and recently called on the Fed to begin cutting rates. He helped draft Trumpâs tax proposals while working as an economist at the Heritage Foundation.
Stephen Moore is a joke in the economics profession. This should go well. On to cartoons.
Barr holds the key to what we learn about the Mueller investigation:
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As someone who studied economics in college (only a bit) I was amused by supply side economics. They take a simple graph of the results of economic activity (tax revenues are a result not a cause) and turn it into a cause. Tested in the real world for almost 40 years lowering tax rates is not a panacea.