Welcome to Sunday. Itâs beastly hot in the Northeast of the US. Three things to help you cool off: Did you realize that the Trump/Putin Summit in Helsinki on July 16, takes place one day after soccerâs World Cup final? We know that Trump doesnât care about soccer, but since the World Cup is taking place in Russia, Putin wouldnât meet until after the World Cup was over. They settled on having the meeting the very next day.
Second, everyone should read Cheryl Russellâs blog. She is the former editor-in-chief of American Demographics magazine. She recently wrote about median household income:
Median household income in May 2018 climbed to $61,858, according to Sentier Research. This is a higher median than in any month since January 2000, after adjusting for inflation. The May 2018 median was 1.8% higher than the May 2017 median.
Median household income in May was 3.7% higher than the median of December 2007, when the Great Recession began. It is 13.3% higher than the post-Great Recession low of June 2011. The trend line has been positive for nearly seven years. This should be looked at very carefully by people who think Democrats have an easy path to winning the House of Representatives this fall.
Third, itâs doubtful you knew that the University of Tulsa has an Institute of Bob Dylan Studies. The George Kaiser Family Foundation and the University of Tulsa acquired the Bob Dylan Archives, and now is the national hotbed of all things Dylan. Unsurprisingly, Dylan hasnât visited.
On to cartoons (and we’re sure there are much ruder cartoons and animations made my people to depict leaders in compromising situations, for example www.cartoonporno.xxx go right here if you want to look for yourself). Mitch is large and in charge:
Republicans treat the Constitution like they do the Bible, picking and choosing parts they like for personal benefit:
Trump picks a surprising nominee:
(And the GOP would probably confirm him.)
Kids need to get their priorities straight:
Trump has new idea for the Wall:
Supreme Court hands public unions a big loss:
Bonus: 2012 Tom Toles cartoon on the Court. Bottom line ? we all lost: