On Friday, an ESPN program, âOutside the Linesâ made public a 3-year investigation into Michigan State Universityâs (MSUâs) inaction on claims of sexual harassment in its athletic department. Here is the takeaway: (emphasis by Wrongo)
…an Outside the Lines investigation has found a pattern of widespread denial, inaction and information suppression of such allegations by officials ranging from campus police to the Spartan athletic department, whose top leader, Mark Hollis, announced his retirement on Friday. The actions go well beyond the highly publicized case of former MSU athletic physician Larry Nassar.
It is unclear where the investigation into MSU will lead. The state of Michigan, the NCAA and the US Department of Education are now all interested in what appears to have been a systematic effort to cover up sexual abuse by athletes at MSU. Larry Nassar has gone to jail for life. Note that he was a faculty member in MSUâs athletic department. The university president and the athletic director have already resigned.
Protecting the MSU brand was more important than justice for the women who suffered at the hands of Nassar, or the schoolâs football and basketball teams. It is more than a culture of indifference; it was systematic obstruction of justice designed to let the players play and keep the stink of scandal away from the athletic department. This case seems to be far worse than what occurred at Penn State.
The Universityâs Board of Trustees resisted calls for their Presidentâs ouster until public pressure became too overwhelming. The Board is dominated by former MSU football and basketball players. Four of the Boardâs eight members are in this category. Others at MSU must go, possibly including one of Wrongoâs favorite coaches, Tom Izzo, head coach of the basketball team. But is firing a head coach enough? How many have to go?
How do we cauterize the wound that is sexual harassment in Americaâs universities?
Time now to bring to justice all those who enabled a monster. He didn’t abuse those women in a vacuum. Many more should be behind bars:
Add Michigan State to the abusers who shout the mantra:
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